Introductory Tutorials
These introductory tutorials will give you an overview of how to run Conquest, the files and parameter settings required, and what output to expect.
Bulk silicon: input, output and SCF
We start with a very basic introduction to the input
required for CONQUEST, the output generated, and the self-consistency
(SCF) procedure; it uses the same system as the first of the examples
in the manual, but provides more detail. The files are found in
CONQUEST requires the following files to run:
The input file:
A coordinates file (name set in
; no default)Ion files (suffix
), which provide the pseudopotentials and pseudo-atomic orbitals (PAOs)
The input file requires the user to provide a certain amount of information. The minimal file that is provided for this tutorial gives most of these:
# Input/Output
IO.Title Bulk Si 8 atoms static
IO.Coordinates ionpos.dat
# General Parameters
General.NumberOfSpecies 1
%block ChemicalSpeciesLabel
1 28.0850 Si_SZ
# Moving Atoms
AtomMove.TypeOfRun static
# Finding the density matrix
DM.SolutionMethod diagon
# k-points
Diag.GammaCentred T
Diag.MPMesh T
Diag.MPMeshX 2
Diag.MPMeshY 2
Diag.MPMeshZ 2
The key entries are:
the coordinate file (
);the number of species (
);the specification for the species (the block
gives the atomic mass and the ion file name for all species);the type of run (
which defaults tostatic
The Brillouin zone sampling must be investigated carefully, as for
all periodic electronic structure calculations. The Monkhorst-Pack
mesh (Diag.MPMesh
) offers a convenient way to do this systematically.
The job title is purely for reference. Further parameters are
discussed in the next tutorial
The coordinate file
The number of species
The ion files for the species
The basic input file
The output
Changing the output level and destination
Controlling the SCF (tolerance and iterations, options)
Bulk silicon: parameters to converge
The files that are needed
Ion files
Input file:
Integration grid
Brillouin zone sampling
Possibly basis set size
Bulk silicon: analysis
The files that are needed
Ion files
Input file:
Total DOS
Atom-projected DOS
Band structure output
Charge density and bands
Atomic charges